
1997 - 1999

Mayo Foundation, Rochester / Master of Science (MS) in Orthopaedics

1991 - 1995

Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS)

1985 - 1991

University of Sheffield, UK / Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MB, ChB)


2024 - Present

Acibadem University, Istanbul

2008 - 2023

Jefferson Medical College / Department of Orthopaedic Surgery / Professor

2004 - 2008

Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia / Department of Orthopaedic Surgery / Associate Professor

2003 - 2004

Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia / Department of Orthopaedic Surgery / Assistant Professor

2002 - 2003

Hip Society-Muller Foundation Fellowship in Adult Reconstruction / Berne, Switzerland

1997 - 2002

Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN / Residency in Orthopaedic Surgery

1995 - 1997

Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota / Department of Orthopaedics / Research Fellowship in Molecular Biology

1992 - 1995

University of Newcastle upon Tyne School of Medicine, United Kingdom / Residency in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery

1991 - 1992

University of Sheffield School of Medicine, United Kingdom / Internship in General Surgery and Orthopaedics