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Hemorrhoid and Anorectal Diseases Unit of Acıbadem Healthcare Group deals with diagnosis and treatment of many gastrointestinal diseases, ranging from hemorrhoid to cancer, through a holistic approach.

Multidisciplinary approach is adopted for diagnosis and treatment services available for patients. Diagnosis and treatment are planned according to general guidelines or personalized diagnosis and treatment are decided by a council of physicians from more than one department who act in cooperation.

Patients who present to Hemorrhoid and Anorectal Diseases Unit, which deals with a wide range of diseases, including but not limited hemorrhoid, constipation, anal fissure, anal itching, gas and stool incontinence, intestinal hernia, pilonidal sinus, anal and perianal warts and pelvic pain and dysfunctions, are primarily examined by gastroenterologists or general surgeons who specialize in proctocology.

Diagnostic devices are available that are used for diagnosis of numerous proctologic diseases. Diseases are diagnosed in a shorter period of time using devices, materials and techniques, such as anorectal ultrasound, colon transit time, defacography, anorectal manometry and other anorectal physiology tests, balloon expulsion test and specialized double-contrast barium enema.

Multidisciplinary Approach

Hemorrhoid and Anorectal Diseases Unit provides diagnosis and treatment service through a multidisciplinary approach. Bowel disorders may originate from various diseases, including many extraintestinal diseases, and therefore, a council of physicians from relevant departments discusses the cases.

This council consists of physicians from gastroenterology, radiology, psychiatry, nutrition and dietetics, psychology, urology, gynecology and obstetrics and physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics.

These specialists discuss diagnosis and treatment of patients and exchange information on detection of disease and treatment methods; finally, a consensus is reached about diagnosis and treatment approach that meets needs of the patient. Thus, most appropriate method is selected for the patient and treatment is started.

Appropriate Infrastructure

Hemorrhoid and Anorectal Diseases Unit is founded in a special area where all relevant units are gathered. Patients are provided diagnosis and treatment services in a single point of care without need to visit more than one department.

Patient safety is prioritized while well equipped areas are designed for various diagnosis and treatment methods, such as operating theaters, intensive care units and advanced radiology department.

Diagnosis and Treatment Methods

Medical devices are available that are used to establish diagnosis of various diseases in the field of proctology. Diseases are diagnosed in a shorter period of time using numerous devices, materials and techniques, such as anorectal ultrasound, colon transit time, defacography, anorectal manometry and other anorectal physiology tests, balloon expulsion test and specialized double-contrast barium enema.

Moreover, disease-specific non-surgical treatments are performed, as verbal or computer-assisted biofeedback (re-training of bowels), sacral or percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation and rectal and anal irrigation, and patients are educated.

Anorectal diseases, also called proctocologic diseases, are at the top of health problems which are recently mentioned in our country. Anorectal diseases begin in intestines.

This field deals with diagnosis and treatment of health problems that begin in intestines, which are addressed in three parts; colon, rectum (the terminal segment of colon close to the anus) and anal canal.

There are many diseases that fall into areas of focus in Anorectal Diseases unit. It deals with a group of diseases that vary in terms of symptoms and treatment approaches, ranging from hemorrhoid and anal fissure to cancers and rectocele.

These diseases have only a single thing in common; they all occur in intestines. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is necessary in treatment and diagnosis of anorectal diseases. Hence, cooperation of many departments, including but not limited to gastroenterology, general surgery, dietetics and psychology, is a must.

Anorectal diseases, also called proctocologic diseases, are at the top of health problems which are recently mentioned in our country. Anorectal diseases begin in intestines.

This field deals with diagnosis and treatment of health problems that begin in intestines, which are addressed in three parts; colon, rectum (the terminal segment of colon close to the anus) and anal canal.

There are many diseases that fall into areas of focus in Anorectal Diseases unit. It deals with a group of diseases that vary in terms of symptoms and treatment approaches, ranging from hemorrhoid and anal fissure to cancers and rectocele.

These diseases have only a single thing in common; they all occur in intestines. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is necessary in treatment and diagnosis of anorectal diseases. Hence, cooperation of many departments, including but not limited to gastroenterology, general surgery, dietetics and psychology, is a must.
Cooperation of various medical departments is required for anorectal diseases.

Multidisciplinary approach is adopted for diagnosis and treatment of anorectal diseases in order to ensure intestinal health in Hemorrhoid and Anorectal Diseases Center of Acıbadem Fulya Hospital.

A Long and Complex Organ; Intestines

Intestine is a long and loopy organ – a fact that almost everyone knows about intestines. Intestines measure up to 7.5 meters in an adult and have a complex function. In addition to its length, the plicated internal texture creates a very large surface area to enable better contact of foods to the intestinal surface.

This close contact ensures that foods are broken down more easily and therefore, nutrients are absorbed to the bloodstream. Undoubtedly, intestines also function to discharge the useless pulpy fraction following the absorption.

This complex organ consists of two parts: small intestine and colon.

Small intestine ensures absorption of nutrients from digested foods into bloodstream, while colon discharges the pulpy fraction, after fluids and inorganic salts are absorbed.

Not all parts of intestines look identical. Small intestines appear narrow and turbinated, while colon looks like a large sack.

Small intestines and colon also have subparts. Small intestines are divided into 3 parts. The first part is called duodenum that begins in stomach and measures approximately 30 cm in a healthy adult. The second part, jejunum, measures 2.5 meters and the third part measures 3 meters and it is called ileum.

Caecum, rectum and colon are subparts of large intestine that measures approximately 1.5 m in length. Caecum looks like a large sac and there is a worm-like tube located on the distal end of the former one. Colon extends down the rectum and it is divided to 4 subparts: Ascending colon after caecum, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon and anal canal - the last part measuring 5 cm in length.

Patients Abstain from Visiting a Doctor

Various parts of intestines have unique diseases. Many different diseases begin in anal canal, including hemorrhoids, pilonidal sinus, anal fissure and warts.

These diseases that are also called anorectal diseases are dealt by “proctology”, although they are very prevalent and have been known since the beginning of humankind, patients mostly feel difficulty talking about them.

Feeling embarrassed to specify these diseases due to cultural and psychological reasons, patients continue suffering from their diseases “silently” and they refrain from visiting a doctor, until the condition becomes unbearable.

Diseases Diagnosed and Treated

  • Hemorrhoid
  • Constipation
  • Anal fissure
  • Perianal fistula and abscess
  • Anal Pruritus
  • Anal Incontinence (Gas and Fecal Incontinence)
  • Rectocele (Intestinal Hernia)
  • Pilonidal sinus (ingrown hair),
  • Pelvic Pain and Dysfunctions.
  • Anal / Perianal Warts
  • Colorectal Cancers (Cancers in colon and rectum)
  • Stoma problems (hernia, prolapse, stenosis, bleeding)
  • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBS-Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis)
  • Retrorectal (Presacral) Mass Lesions

Rectal Prolapse

While anorectal diseases are widely known in public, scope of proctology is not. Therefore, patients with proctologic problems who need specialized treatment have no clear idea about the department they should visit.

Patients with such diseases do not visit a doctor at early stage of the condition due to lack of information about anal diseases and social prejudice. However, various anorectal diseases, ranging from hemorrhoid to anal fissure, are pretty common.

For example, studies show that one out of 4 people has this disease. Despite the high incidence, number of patients who visit a doctor is critically low.
Published by Acıbadem Web and Medical Content Editorial Board Update Date: Friday, February 7, 2020 Publish Date: Monday, January 27, 2020
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Doctors specialized in Hemorrhoid and Anorectal Diseases in Bakırköy Hospital listed as below:


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