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Gamma Knife Perfexion

Gamma Knife Perfexion is a radiosurgical device containing 192 Co-60 radioactive fragments. This device is used in the treatment of many brain diseases and abnormalities. It allows non-surgical treatment of tumors 3-5 cm in size, especially in hard-to-reach areas such as the brain and face. Thanks to this treatment method, there is no need for surgery, incision or general anesthesia.

Gamma Knife Perfexion is a medical device preferred in cases where anesthesia is not suitable and in serious operations such as open brain surgery. The 192 gamma rays inside the device are very weak and are focused on the target using a 3D software program. In this way, treatment is provided without damaging healthy tissues outside the tumor area.

Gamma Knife Perfexion treats tumor tissues, especially in the brain and facial area, by targeting them with the possibility of deviation at millimetric levels. The software program optimizes the dose and shape of the beams, using different combinations while also helping to preserve healthy tissues. This method speeds up the healing process by providing patients with a minimally invasive option.

Thanks to the special software program in Gamma Knife Perfexion, the dose and shape of the rays are optimized and different combinations are used, while also helping to protect healthy tissues.

How is Gamma Knife Perfexion Treatment Applied?

While general information is given to the patient before the treatment, local anesthesia or sedation is applied to relax before placing the mask. The neurosurgeon places a light metal frame mask on the patient's head and fixes it to the face with screws at four points, thus completing the masking process. The patient is then taken to a room to rest and undergo MRI or angiographic examinations.

Before the treatment, the radiologist and neurosurgeon follow the patient's current information and plan the treatment according to the shape, location and size of the tumor. The treatment process may vary between 15 minutes and 1 hour depending on the size of the tumor. This pre-treatment planning is carried out in order to provide the most effective treatment appropriate to the patient's specific condition.

In Which Treatments Is Gamma Knife Perfexion Used?

Gamma Knife Perfexion is a radiosurgery device used in the treatment of tumors in some areas, especially the brain and face. This device aims to destroy tumor cells by delivering high doses of radiation to the tumor in a targeted manner, without the need for surgery. Gamma Knife Perfexion is especially used in the treatment of the following diseases:

Brain Tumors: Both benign (e.g. meningiomas) and malignant (e.g. glioblastomas) brain tumors can be treated with Gamma Knife Perfexion.

Trigeminal Neuralgia: It can be used to treat severe pain caused by the trigeminal nerve in the face.

Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM): It can be used in the treatment of AVMs, which are due to the abnormal combination of vascular structures in the brain, without surgical intervention.

Acoustic Neuroma: It can be used in the treatment of acoustic neuromas, which are tumors of the nerve responsible for hearing and balance functions of the inner ear.

Trigeminal Schwannoma: It may be effective in the treatment of tumors that develop on the facial nerves.

• Meningioma

• Parkinson's disease

• Essential tremor

• Epilepsy

• Chronic pain

• Cavernomas

• Meningiomas

• Pituitary adenomas

• Acoustic neuromalarhem

• Brain metastases

• Glial tumors

• Functional diseases

• Vascular diseases

• Eye tumors

• Head and neck tumors

Gamma Knife Perfexion may be preferred as an option, especially for patients who are not suitable for surgical intervention or who are at surgical risk. However, the patient's condition must be carefully evaluated to determine whether he or she is suitable for treatment. Treatment planning is made by the radiologist and neurosurgeon according to the patient's specific condition.

Published by Acıbadem Web and Medical Content Editorial Board Update Date: Thursday, January 4, 2024 Publish Date: Thursday, January 4, 2024
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