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  • 2023 Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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  • 2017 İstanbul Üniversitesi
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  • 1992 - 1994 Rorscach Testi Uygulama ve Teori , Dr.Yani Anastasiadis
  • 1990 İstanbul Üniversitesi Psikoloji
  • Üsküdar Üniversitesi Psikoloji Doktora Programı(Devam ediyor)
  • 2023 Acıbadem Sağlık Grubu

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Acıbadem Sağlık Hizmetleri ve Ticaret A.Ş. (“Acıbadem”) and Acıbadem’s controlling shareholders, parent companies and affiliates (hereinafter to be collectively referred to as “Acıbadem Group”) may, acting as “Data Supervisor” under the Law on Protection of Personal Data no. 6698 (the “Law”) and other pertinent laws and regulations, process your personal data within the following frame and in strict compliance with the Basic Healthcare Services Law no. 3359, the Governmental Decree-Law on Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Affiliated Companies no. 663, the Private Hospitals Regulation, and other regulations of the Ministry of Health, and other applicable laws and provisions.

1. Obtaining and Processing of Personal Data, and Purposes of Processing:

Your personal data is collected and obtained verbally, in writing, or in visual or electronic media, through call center, internet site, verbally, in writing or similar other channels for conduct of such services as protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and maintenance services offered by Acıbadem Group, or for planning and management of healthcare services and financing, and in accordance with the fields of business of Acıbadem Group Companies. Your general personal data and special personal data, especially your healthcare data, may be processed by the Group to a limited extent for all and any purposes, including, but not limited to, the following purposes:

All kinds of your personal data obtained by Acıbadem Group (including, but not limited to, your special personal data) may be processed for the following purposes:

Your personal data obtained and processed pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations may be transferred to physical archives and/or information systems of Acıbadem or Acıbadem Group and may be kept and stored both in digital and in physical platforms.

2. Transfer of Personal Data

Your personal data may be shared by Acıbadem and Acıbadem Group with companies included in Acıbadem Group or with private insurance companies, Ministry of Health and its sub-units, Social Security Agency, Security General Directorate and other security forces, General Directorate of Population and Census, Turkish Pharmacists’ Association, courts and all kinds of other juridical authorities, central etc. third parties, your authorized representatives and agents, and third parties offering consulting and advice services to us, including, but not limited to, lawyers, tax and financial consultants and auditors, and our business partners and other third parties acting in cooperation with us for further development or performance of healthcare services for the purposes cited above, also including regulatory and supervisory bodies and authorities, and official authorities, for the purposes of processing listed above, in accordance with the Law and other applicable laws and regulations.

3. Methods and Legal Causes of Obtaining of Personal Data

Your personal data are collected and processed in all kinds of verbal, written, visual or electronic media, for the purposes listed hereinabove, and for performance of all kinds of works included in the fields of business of Acıbadem within the legal framework, and accordingly, for full and proper performance of all kinds of contractual and legal duties and obligations of Acıbadem. Legal causes of collection and acquisition of your personal data are the pertinent provisions of:

Furthermore, as stipulated in 3rd paragraph of article 6 of the Law, personal data relating to health may also be processed by persons under secrecy obligations or by authorized official entities and organizations, without being liable to receive prior explicit consent of the relevant purpose, only for protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and maintenance services, and for planning and management of healthcare services and financing.

4. Your Rights Regarding Protection of Personal Data

Pursuant to the Law and other relevant applicable laws and regulations, you are entitled:

If at any time you use any one or more of your aforesaid rights, the relevant information will be transmitted to you clearly and in an understandable manner, in writing or in electronic media, by using the communication data and information provided by you.

5. Data Security

Acıbadem protects your personal data in full and strict compliance with all technical and administrative security controls required to be taken in accordance with information security standards and procedures. Said security actions and measures are taken and provided at a level appropriate for the probable risks by also taking into consideration the technological possibilities.

6. Complaints and Communications

Your personal data are protected within the frame of the available technical and administrative possibilities, and the required security actions and measures are taken and provided at a level appropriate for the probable risks by also taking into consideration the technological possibilities.

By filling in the “Application Form Pursuant to the Law on Protection of Personal Data” given at the , “https://www.acibadem.com.tr/acibademonline/hastaverilerinkorunmasi.html” web address, you may transmit and submit your legal requests:

You are hereby kindly requested to transmit your legal requests under the Law by filling in the “Application Form Pursuant to the Law on Protection of Personal Data” given at the https://www.acibadem.com.tr/acibademonline/hastaverilerinkorunmasi.html web address and sending it to us by the communication means set forth in the form.